Hi, Newbie here and maybe not on the right thread, but can anyone give me some advice on the best surround sound system to purchase in the uk with a budget of around £150? I would like it to obviously play dvds in 5.1 and also be compatible with the 5.1 audio of freeview channels. Any help would be appreciated.
For a processor and speakers, you're best looking at a PC system. I'm using the Logitech Z-5400 which is ideal for a PC based system, but would also be more than adequate for a TV setup. I think it's been replaced by the G51 and Z-5500 series, not sure how much they are, but there are liekly to be deals around, and also they'll be Creative equivalent sets as well.
This - http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0015S394U/sh-ne-522-21 Much better than any PC based speakers at the same price. I recently upgraded from some x-540s to these. Now using an optical switch I have my PC, PS3, 360 and Sky+ connected to it. Sound quality is amazing and you may be able to get it cheaper (I paid £130) if you look around.
that was my budget for 1 speaker lol i have a set of the logitec e 5400 they are nice speakers for the price.. I dont use them anymore since I upgraded night and day diffrence but for the price they are a good bang for the buck..