Hey. I started burning my best friends wedding onto a DVD. Now I can do a lot of editing and stuff directly on the DVD player but I don't like how the menus turned out and I also want to add pictures to it with music. Now ever program I tried says that I have an invalid DVD structure and I can't figure out how to convert the structure so I can work with it on the computer. I have DVD Shrink 3.2 and DVD Decrypter. Can anyone help me, please?!?!?
Rip the DVD or copy the VIDEO_TS folder the hard drive and run FixVTS on the VOB files, then see if DVD Shrink will accept it. http://www.videohelp.com/tools/FixVTS
Thanks! I got it to work on DVD Shrink and started the editing process but how do I fix the menu screen. I want to make it like when you put in a DVD, you get a still image of something. I want to have that kind of main menu with the play movie and chapter selection with a nice picture of the 2 of them in the background....is there a way I can do that?
As i started to do the editing, i noticed some parts of the movie were missing but a duplicate of every other title had been made...did i do something wrong?
FixVTS makes a backup of the source folder. If you have parts missing, it sounds like the original is somehow corrupted.
BTW, if I was going to edit a DVD, I would be converting it to an mpeg2 file and using the likes of 'Avidemux' to select and save cuts from it then load those cuts into 'DVD Styler'. Each cut would be a 'Title' - you can add your own image as the menu background and assign a button to each title for playback.
Can you walk me through how to use Avidemux? I've been through everything I could and could not get it to take the DVD or the backed up movie. It's frustrating. lol
Rip the DVD with DVD Decrypter to one large VOB file (Tools > Settings > File Mode > Splitting > None ) Open the large VOB file in AviDemux. Set the left hand menu as shown. Use the slider and the A/B buttons to select a clip. Click on the 'save' logo and give the output a name e.g clip2.mpg (must include the .mpg). Leave Avidemux open. Play the saved clip to check sync. If it's out of sync, there is a 'shift' setting on the left hand menu that can be used before saving the clip again.
For Step 1, i have everything set so it's identical to what you have there but the configure and filter buttons can not be highlighted or clicked. they are there but unavailable. what do i do? btw thank you for all the help. i really do appreciate it.
Change the 'Video' from 'Copy' to 'DVD Lavc' and the filters become available. Note that in the centre of the top menu is a box marked 'Input' - change to 'Output' to see what the output will look like.
I still can't get it to work with DVD Styler. DVD Styler just can't find the file to upload it but the files are there and I can play them on my computer how I want them to be played on the DVD.
Yes I did but i fixed the problem. Now hopefully this will be the last question....i want to do a chapter menu thing where you can pick your chapter...I'd also like a picture in the background. How would I go about doing that? Is there a way to get more buttons or change the ones they give you?
Drag the clips (titles) onto the timeline. Right click on the menu screen and find an image that suits (I used a photo) Drag one button onto the menu screen for each title. I have two titles - two buttons - the button frame can be resized. Right click on the buttons and select the image that will appear on them (the default is the first frame of the title). Also note 'Action' > 'Jump to' - it should 'jump to' it's title. Button 1 'jumps to' title 1 Button 2 'jumps to' title 2 There is a Styler manual at the home page which covers most of this. It's not easy reading and I haven't gone beyond the basics.
Ok so I went through the manual or tried to. I couldn't find out how to put lettering in and not like a button lettering. I just want to lable each of those pics that are in the menus. How do i do that without creating a new button?