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Discussion in 'Windows - Virus and spyware problems' started by quip13, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. quip13

    quip13 Regular member

    Dec 12, 2008
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    Hi, I recently replaced taskmgr with procexp and noticed strange things. I have duplicates of the same process and there are constantly new processes opening and old ones closing. The process list in procexp keeps changing every second. In my other account, everything seems normal.
    I was wondering if this is a virus.
    Here is a copy of what is displayed:

    Strange Account:

    Process PID CPU Description Company Name
    System Idle Process 0 83.60
    procexp.exe 5604 3.83 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
    bittorrent.exe 5028 3.83
    DPCs n/a 3.07 Deferred Procedure Calls
    Interrupts n/a 1.53 Hardware Interrupts
    dwm.exe 1612 1.53 Desktop Window Manager Microsoft Corporation
    TmPfw.exe 2524 0.77
    SynTPEnh.exe 4176 0.77 Synaptics TouchPad Enhancements Synaptics, Inc.
    Notifications Microsoft Corporation
    wpcumi.exe 5520
    wmpnscfg.exe 3216 Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration Application Microsoft Corporation
    wmpnscfg.exe 3260
    wmpnetwk.exe 3436
    WmiPrvSE.exe 5656
    winlogon.exe 1352
    winlogon.exe 2892

    wininit.exe 664
    upeksvr.exe 1696
    upeksvr.exe 2516

    unsecapp.exe 5664
    tmproxy.exe 2580
    Tmntsrv.exe 2504
    taskeng.exe 3364
    taskeng.exe 3288 Task Scheduler Engine Microsoft Corporation
    taskeng.exe 312

    System 4
    SynTPEnh.exe 3316
    svchost.exe 1120
    svchost.exe 1440
    svchost.exe 1412
    svchost.exe 1044
    svchost.exe 892
    svchost.exe 996
    svchost.exe 1092
    svchost.exe 1140
    svchost.exe 460
    svchost.exe 1936
    svchost.exe 2220
    svchost.exe 2476
    svchost.exe 2652
    svchost.exe 4968

    stacsv.exe 2392
    sprtsvc.exe 2356
    sprtcmd.exe 4048 SupportSoft, Inc.
    sprtcmd.exe 3448
    spoolsv.exe 392
    smss.exe 532
    SLsvc.exe 1256
    services.exe 708
    SearchProtocolHost.exe 3940
    SearchIndexer.exe 2720
    SearchFilterHost.exe 4840
    rundll32.exe 1620
    rundll32.exe 3856 Windows host process (Rundll32) Microsoft Corporation
    rundll32.exe 788 Windows host process (Rundll32) Microsoft Corporation
    rundll32.exe 3952
    rundll32.exe 3044
    rundll32.exe 2300

    RoxWatch9.exe 2268
    RegSrvc.exe 2240
    PnkBstrB.exe 2192
    PnkBstrA.exe 2128
    pg2.exe 5344
    PcCtlCom.exe 1136
    pccguide.exe 3636 PCCGuide Trend Micro Inc.
    pccguide.exe 5296

    nvvsvc.exe 968
    mDNSResponder.exe 1772
    lsm.exe 748
    lsass.exe 740
    Launchy.exe 3144
    Launchy.exe 4488

    iTunesHelper.exe 3944 iTunesHelper Module Apple Inc.
    iTunesHelper.exe 2500

    iPodService.exe 5736
    GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe 2372
    firefox.exe 4076 Firefox Mozilla Corporation
    explorer.exe 6060 Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation
    explorer.exe 5956
    EvtEng.exe 1928
    ehtray.exe 4044 Media Center Tray Applet Microsoft Corporation
    ehsched.exe 4540
    ehrecvr.exe 4800
    ehmsas.exe 2576 Media Center Media Status Aggregator Service Microsoft Corporation
    dwm.exe 3148
    csrss.exe 676
    csrss.exe 600
    csrss.exe 1200

    conime.exe 2460 Console IME Microsoft Corporation
    btdna.exe 4492
    audiodg.exe 1224
    AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 1820
    AEstSrv.exe 1776
    AcroRd32.exe 4268 Adobe Reader 8.1 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    Normal Account:

    Process PID CPU Description Company Name
    System Idle Process 0 71.46
    Interrupts n/a 0.76 Hardware Interrupts
    DPCs n/a 6.84 Deferred Procedure Calls
    System 4
    smss.exe 532
    csrss.exe 600
    wininit.exe 664
    services.exe 708
    svchost.exe 892
    ehmsas.exe 2576
    WmiPrvSE.exe 5656
    unsecapp.exe 5664 Sink to receive asynchronous callbacks for WMI client application Microsoft Corporation
    nvvsvc.exe 968
    rundll32.exe 1620
    rundll32.exe 3952
    svchost.exe 996
    svchost.exe 1044
    svchost.exe 1092
    audiodg.exe 1224
    svchost.exe 1120 1.52
    dwm.exe 1612
    dwm.exe 3148 1.52 Desktop Window Manager Microsoft Corporation
    svchost.exe 1140
    taskeng.exe 3364
    taskeng.exe 3288
    taskeng.exe 312 Task Scheduler Engine Microsoft Corporation
    SLsvc.exe 1256
    svchost.exe 1412
    svchost.exe 1440
    spoolsv.exe 392
    svchost.exe 460
    AEstSrv.exe 1776
    AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 1820
    mDNSResponder.exe 1772
    svchost.exe 1936
    EvtEng.exe 1928
    PcCtlCom.exe 1136
    PnkBstrA.exe 2128
    PnkBstrB.exe 2192
    svchost.exe 2220
    RegSrvc.exe 2240
    RoxWatch9.exe 2268
    sprtsvc.exe 2356
    stacsv.exe 2392
    svchost.exe 2476
    Tmntsrv.exe 2504
    TmPfw.exe 2524
    tmproxy.exe 2580
    svchost.exe 2652
    SearchIndexer.exe 2720
    SearchProtocolHost.exe 3940
    SearchFilterHost.exe 1324
    wmpnetwk.exe 3436
    ehsched.exe 4540
    ehrecvr.exe 4800
    svchost.exe 4968
    iPodService.exe 5736
    lsass.exe 740
    lsm.exe 748
    csrss.exe 676
    winlogon.exe 1352
    procexp.exe 5604
    upeksvr.exe 1696
    pccguide.exe 3636
    sprtcmd.exe 4048
    wpcumi.exe 4080
    Syslogin.exe 556 0.76
    rundll32.exe 3856
    rundll32.exe 788
    iTunesHelper.exe 3944
    ehtray.exe 4044
    Launchy.exe 3144
    wmpnscfg.exe 3216
    firefox.exe 4076 0.76
    AcroRd32.exe 4268 0.76
    SynTPEnh.exe 4176
    csrss.exe 1200
    winlogon.exe 2892
    procexp.exe 6076 12.92 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
    upeksvr.exe 2516
    explorer.exe 5956 0.76 Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation
    pccguide.exe 5296 PCCGuide Trend Micro Inc.
    sprtcmd.exe 3448 SupportSoft, Inc.
    rundll32.exe 3044 Windows host process (Rundll32) Microsoft Corporation
    rundll32.exe 2300 Windows host process (Rundll32) Microsoft Corporation
    iTunesHelper.exe 2500 iTunesHelper Module Apple Inc.
    GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe 2372 GoogleToolbarNotifier Google Inc.
    btdna.exe 4492 DNA BitTorrent, Inc.
    bittorrent.exe 5028 2.28 BitTorrent BitTorrent, Inc.
    Launchy.exe 4488
    SynTPEnh.exe 3316 Synaptics TouchPad Enhancements Synaptics, Inc.
    wmpnscfg.exe 3260 Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration Application Microsoft Corporation
    pg2.exe 5344
    conime.exe 2460
    explorer.exe 6060

  2. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Hi quip13,

    It is probably doing just what it was designed to do:
    If you’re a “Geek” with a Capital G. you’ll understand it..
    If you’re not a geek, Why do you need it???

    2oG - That’s 2oldGeek with a capital “G” [​IMG]

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