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non functioning IE7

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by rtrg, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. rtrg

    rtrg Regular member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    I had a functioning IE7 until tonight, as I write this. The syptoms were that my GOGGLE home page was centered on my screen. The RESULTS page was shifted to th RIGHT on the screen. When I selected an entry, the result was CENTERED on the page. ANY search engine under IE7 exhibited the same strange behavior. FIREFOX and OPERA were NOT affected. I surmised that IE7 had a hidden issue with it. I removed the program and reinstalled it. The results were the same. I looked for IE6 that would work with XP PRO/SP2 that I could download from a site I trusted but could NOT find one. I did not see it on the MICROSOFT site either. Only for SP1. I do not know if that version will work with SP2. I reinstalled IE7. The results are now different. When I open 7, the INTERNET OPTIONS screen appears, the same screen that is under the TOOLS tab in the browser, which I do NOT have, classic catch 22. Any solutions welcomed, web sites, links, fixes software, ect. Thank you.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    have you tried system restore to before this problem? any updates today?
  3. rtrg

    rtrg Regular member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    After I wrote this I finaly managed to get a functioning IE7 installed by removing it from the WINDOWS COMPONENTS screen. The 7 that was installed exhibits the same strange behavior. I would like to install IE6 that will work with XP PRO/sp2. I cannot find one any where. MS has one for sp1. Is that JUST the service pack, or is that sp1 PLUS IE6 in one package? When I tried to download it, an error mess appeared, "a newer version already exists, setup cannot contiue". Should I remove 7 and try 6 again? I am trying to determine weather 7 has a glitch or weather this tower has a glitch. Only 6 will tell me which is the case. Niether FOX or OPERA exhibits this behavior on the same tower. As of two days ago SYSTEM RESTORE did not work. Also on start up, there are 3 dll files that "CANNOT BE FOUND". Would that explain my issue with 7? I will try RESTORE again, remove 7, install 6 sp1, and see what happens. Worst case is that I will use this tower as is.

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