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Subtitles insertion.

Discussion in 'DVD-VCR combos' started by tikifal, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. tikifal

    tikifal Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    I have an old movie (the word, david jensen) in VHS format. It has original english language. My intention is to make a copy for myself, using DVD (R+ o R- ?) . I would like to create sub titles (based on a translation of the original script (Yet to me made))and be able to "merge the DVD movie and the spanish script, to generate a English movie with spanish sub titles. I'm brand new at this game, I consider myself average computer learned. Is there any hope to my plight? I would like to hear from your knowleadgeable guys out there, hoping I can get a "sane" answer. I will read this forum.

    R.S.V.P. gentleman, please...
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    If the movie is captured as an mpeg2 file you can use DVD Flick to add .srt files that you create.
    The subtitles are then turned on/off with the remote.

    If the movie is fed from the tape player into a DVD recorder and written to disk, the movie would have to be demuxed (separated into video and audio components) then loaded into DVD Flick along with your subtitles.

    There are many scenarios, but it will have to wait until the movie is in digital form on the PC before going on.

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