I have a sony viao pcg-7d2l and i need a ram upgrade. Current ram in computer is DDR PC-3200. I bought a kingston 2700 and i was told it would not make any difference, but the kingston was a hair too big. its was just little wider then the clamp. Any advice or im returning it. Could someone get me notebook ram that will work in my computer? (Link would be the best)
When buying memory, you should buy the same speed memory or slightly faster. The memory you purchased is slower than what's currently in your laptop. You also want to make sure that you have the right form factor (pin count). Here's a site that you can buy memory that will definitely work with your laptop. http://www.laptoppartsexpert.com/c-49692-pcg-7d2l.html?gclid=CJnawqm-65cCFRIcawodSm3nDA Personally, I wouldn't spend the extra money to buy from the site above, but they do guarantee compatibility. I'd recommend buying the following. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820144183
DDR2 is the 2nd generation of DDR memory. In short, they're not compatible with each other. Your laptop requires DDR2 memory, thus DDR memory won't work in it. You can read more about the differences at the following site. http://www.diffen.com/difference/DDR_vs_DDR2