I have a Dell PC Desktop in my living room for my kids and they like to download a whole bunch of games from disney and cartoon network and it fills the hard drive up every time and then it freezes. I'd have to always crash the computer like once a month because no one knows what happened. I would like some help from someone who can tech me to set my pc to where they can download what ever and then the minute you log off or shut down and then turn the pc back on it will boot to where nothing happened to the pc, LIKE IT WAS JUST BOUGHT. I would like that to be a default. ~~~~~~~~PLEASE HELP~~~~~~~~
I think this is what you need, Returnil: http://www.returnilvirtualsystem.com/rvspersonal.htm http://www.majorgeeks.com/Returnil_Virtual_System_Personal_Edition_d5702.html
Windows SteadyState is a free program from Microsoft that offers the features that you're looking for. You can also enable certain applications to accept changes, such as Windows Updates and antivirus. You can read about it and download it from their website. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/sharedaccess/default.mspx
Not sure if steady state is a virtual software or not but if it is & it does'nt allow writes to the hdd before shutting down you'll need to send any data you want to keep to an external hdd or dvd media,just remember to scan before you put it there in case it has a malware etc