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Dam this is hard

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by hilowr, Sep 10, 2002.

  1. hilowr

    hilowr Member

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I'm trying to follow the guides (3 so far) to copy a DVD to a DVD, this is no surprise, TOUGH. I have yet to copy ONE DVD usaing the guides I have found. I'm not stupid, I have been known to follow direction from time to time, but dam, is there no better way to do this than copying 5 pages of print that may or may not (not in my case) solve my problem? I sware, I have followed these directions to a T, but there are variables that don't pertain to my movie (Iv'e tried 3) and then its bedlam. Is there a step by step (more so then the ones Iv'e seen?) I'm havin fun, but would love to make headway. Now I know alot of you wil want specificfs, and what you did at what time etc. (afair questions) just know that I tried and failed using the existing faqs, Dam. Oh well, I will plunder on, and get lucky eventually, but if there is a newbie outhere who has had luck with a guide, please let me know. Thanks
  2. Daleon

    Daleon Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    I'm in the same boat. I've had my burner for a cpl weeks now and it has not burned a single thing yet. All I've done day in and day out is read forums and guides and newsgroups. Also scrounging for some of the harder to find authoring software. Hoping to make some attempts at it this weekend.
  3. poodull

    poodull Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    keep it up guys. its not as complex as all that. you need the confidence and inspiration that only a 18 year old runaway hitchhiker of your preferred sex and sexual orientation can provide.

    once youre done with that, go find a dvd5 you want to burn (dvd9s are class validictorians; dvd5s are the slutty whores that smoke cigarettes by the bus turnaround). you can use this page to find out if it is a dvd5 or dvd9: http://www.afterdawn.com/dvd/dvd_layer.cfm or otherwise known as 'the deans list'

    get dvddecryptor from the software section. its like alcohol and light tickling to dvd5s.

    run it and make sure its on iso read; aka heavy petting mode.

    it should load up no problem and show that your dvd is less than 4.7gb. if it shows an error, consult guides (try 'aspi drivers' and 'forceapsi')-- always check your tackle.

    give a directory and click the pretty button to rip to the hdd. this effectively strips the dvd of its protective layer and sits the important part properly down on your hdd.

    when youre done you'll have two files. one is an iso file. using prassi (consult others for roxio), make a new global image or iso task.
    load that iso file (you'll need to change the search filter to iso to see it). --BURN BABY BURN. WHOS YOUR DVD DADDY, STARWARS EPISODE 1*!

    when its done, you'll have a dvd copy of that disk and that warm satisfying feeling mixed with a little guilt. if it doesn't work in your set top, check out www.vcdhelp.com and see if your desktop can actually play burned dvds.

    also check if you have the latest drivers for your burner (esp if you have the pioneer 103). there are a lot of posts on the topic.

    a few facts: you cannot burn dvd to dvd but must first rip to a hdd -- yet.
    you will not go blind from burning dvds.


    *StarWars Episode I is not dvd5. and not even really funny now that i read this again**.
    **i hate my job
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2002
  4. phil1991

    phil1991 Regular member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    I thought I was the only 'slow' one. I've been up till 3am trying to burn for the last week but I can't get the files to copy to a blank disc. I get as far as putting them on my hard drive and after that, kaput! I've read the guides on here and derrows site. They do a good step by step job but there are some details left out that have me sitting around scrathing my head. I.E. in the IFO guide it says to play your movie once you've ripped the files. Where is the play button?? I REFUSE to give up but I'm about to send my fist thru the screen. But back to the guides, they are excellent and detailed, but there are some minor, which end up being major, details missing. I'm going to try and burn 'matrix' tonite using afterdawns guide since thats what its written to. But it seem that smartrip, decrypt and IFO are slightly different downloaded than what I'm reading and I can't figure out what is what. But I'm going to keep trying. Has anyone burned 'Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon??' The files when I check them with my interwin dvd only play the commentary version, and using decrypt thats the largest file, all the others are 10-20min clips. I'm going to keep at it though!!!!
  5. phil1991

    phil1991 Regular member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    Poodull, u make a good point about dvd5, u have to crawl b4 u can walk b4 u can fly...but who the hell owns dvd5's? I have a few B rate dvds I'm sure are, but I don't wanna waste $8 dvd-r on something I don't want a backup of. I want the meat!! The sci-fi, hi graphic movies, but anyway.
    I'm going to try a dvd5 tonite and hopefully it will 'educate' me on what I'm missing.

    How is roxio, the disc came w. my system??? I was online with Compaq support last nite and he suggested I try it. The DVD basic (roxio,I think 2) that came with my system looks promising but, again, no instructions!
  6. micah

    micah Member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    Thanks Poodull for your sense of humor. Guys don't get so frustrated. It's supposed to be fun! Remember playing Zork for the first time and not being able to make it out of the castle? (Okay, maybe that was before your time) I've been working on DVD-5's and so far I've had good success, though not without lots of headaches and a few coasters (well, 2 to be exact). Right now I'm doing "The Dish" and it's a bitch. I rip using DVD Decrypter in ISO mode. Then I use the same program in ISO Write mode to burn it. For some reason it always gets stuck and stalls at 99% or 98% percent. Son of a Bitch. Well, it's a great challenge. Especially when you've gotten a tried and true method and then it stops working. Keep trying guys, you'll get it.
  7. phil1991

    phil1991 Regular member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    Zork??? Gosh, I haven't heard that word since...uhh, I'll keep it a secret:). yeah, getting ready to try, again.... just wasted an hour trying to download some stuff from roxie.
    Can anyone offer help with vstrip if I give details? In the example it says output to D: I'm asuming thats the burn drive...how do you change it?? And whenever I click on run it tries to save in one of my directories.. anyway. I'm going to go back to decrypt and try step by step, with one of my kung fu movies... oh, and I had trouble getting out of the castle too!
  8. micah

    micah Member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    That's a good idea to go back to DVD Decrypter and IFOedit. Vstrip is a win32-command-line utility that takes alot of patience and troubleshooting. Ripping, as you probably know by now, has a big learning curve. I tried and tried for about one hundred hours before I finally became comfortable with the makeup of a DVD and its specifications. I basically only use two programs now (although there is always the exception!). I use IFOedit and DVD Decrypter. If you'd like, I could spell out the procedures I use that have been 100% successful. It has been very frustrating for me at times but when they start turning out perfect one after another.. there's a big sigh of relief. It pays off so stick with it.
  9. phil1991

    phil1991 Regular member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    Thanks Micah, I'm almost successful...I've ripped LOR to my HD and edited D2 to play at the chapter. Now the issue is I can't get it to a blank dvd. I downloaded recordmax and used roxio (cpu installed) they both continue to ask me to insert a blank disk and click retry. Troubleshot w. Compaq and they say it isn't their machine but perhaps a software issue on the other end. RIGHT!, I'm going to try again tonite after class. I'm going to uninstall EVERYTHING and reload, cause roxio seems to be able to handle the job. Question, why can't Decrypt or Smartrip, burn the files back?? I've successfully copied a dvd5 using decrypt, but when using another editor I don't know whats going on. I think its my computer, but Compaq will never tell me. my 2nd CPU in 11 days.
  10. phil1991

    phil1991 Regular member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    Hilowar go to
    and follow Derrows guide, very visual, and very simple. You 'shouldnt' go wrong. MsConga's steps in the split dvd9 thread here is good too, but I needed something more 'basic' to see.
    afterdawns dvd5 to less than 4.36 instructions work perfectly if your just str8 copy.

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