Yup; that's right; they just plain and simple refuse to play any and all dvds I throw at them. Please; can some kind soul help?
I've tried the three I have; VLC; 123 classic; intervideo windvd for Toshiba. The dvds are originals and rentals
Have you tried re-installing any of the players? It sounds like you may have a missing codec??? What exactly do they do, or what errors do you get when the disk is tried to be played. Sorry for all the questions, just trying to narrow it down.
No worries with questions your help appreciated. Reinstalled class321; vlc not toshiba. On opening dvd Classic321 reads; Copy-protect fail. VLC goes refuses to run, Toshiba; selected folder does not have valid dvd content.
I had a situation on my own PC where Vista was giving me grief. One of the things it checks is to see if the firmware of the DVD player is region free or not. If it is, Vista may refuse you certain things. Having said that, I had absolutely no trouble after installing Anydvd. My long term solution was to update the DVD rom to a region-locked FW. (I had no use for the other regions anyway
Thanks for the anydvd advise. I suspect as you predicted that it's a Vista glitch. I would prefer to address this first. Do you know how to make it zone free?
If you could post the model and specs on your drive as 7thsinger asked, then perhaps we could assist you in finding a firmware update to get you going. Otherwise you can simply Google your drive model and make and see what you can come up with. Cheers.
I'd be happy to only I don't know where to find that information. Sorry I'm very new to this; if you could tell me how I'll post immediately:-(
Start > Control Panel (classic view) System > Device Manager Copy and paste what is listed for your drive.
Thanks for the How to Here it is as far as I can tell; DVD/CD-ROM Drives; MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-8505 ATA Device. Thanks.