Hello everyone, I have a small question regarding the brillian super freeware converter. I have like 7 files to convert to mpeg, is there anyway that I can convert them to one output file. There is no problems with the conversion, I just want to know if there is any way to combine them as well as convert. This has been a question in my mind for sometime now and I would greatly appreciate if you can help me on this. Thank you very much!!
Ah, u use SUPER too? That's an awesome program. Very, very good. I was extremely dissapointed to see it fail after build 3.5 was released though, which is what lead me to these forums to ask for a solution or any other great programs btw! =D Ok, so u wanna make all ur video clips into one clip? Hmm, I would have to say convert them all, then import them into Windows Movie Maker (or any other editor u use) and combine them in there.