I have a few questions about Xecuter 3 before deciding to mod my Xbox. I have a Live account and I wanna play my genuine discs online, and on the same console I would play the backed up games offline without getting banned from Xbox Live. I know that the Xecuter chip can be enabled and disabled. My question is: Can I get caught while having my chip disabled? The installation process is probably easy, but what are the odds of screwing up my Xbox while attempting to install the modchip? For shipping purposes, I would like to know the dimensions and weight of the Xecuter 3 box. I tried their forums but they wouldn't open registration for some reason.
The chip cannot be detected when its disabled. I had 3 Xecuter 3 chips but the kept breaking. I changed to a Xecuter 2.6 and this has worked flawlessly for over 2 years.