Help!!! i need help with a hard drive,I have two hard drives on my computer one is XP and the other is Home Edition and the xp works fine but the home edition had a somthing wrong well i scanned it and removed the trojan vundo and now when i tried booting it up it says corrupt file and press "r" for repair so the registry is corrupted but i have no xp home edition disk but i can access the files when i boot into regular xp but i cant scan the registry because it winds up scanning just my c\ drive which is xp and dont know wat to do please help any suggestions i can access the f\ drive which is home edition but how would i go as far as repairing it without the disk please help appreciate it
you can bootup the good windows then do a scandisk (with the box to fix errors checked) on the f: drive. A scandisk will fix any corruption on the other hard drive. You can also see if you can run a chkdsk f:/ r from the command line of the good windows xp. If that doesn't work see if either of your windows has an I386 folder, if it does you might be able to make a slipstream windows xp disk or even a bartpe disk. The bartpe can be use to run all the windows chkdsk repairs without booting up either windows xp.