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Clone DVD suddenly producing coasters

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by san_man, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. san_man

    san_man Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Hi there. Long-time reader, haven't posted much as I can usually find what I'm looking for. Until now.

    I've been having an issue with CloneDVD off and on in the last month or so. It'll be working fine and then, all of a sudden there will be an error at somewhere around 95%. If I manage to get it to retry and then it works, what follows will be coaster after coaster. I didn't realize it for awhile.

    Now I know that if this happens, I need to re-install BOTH AnyDVD and CloneDVD and the issue is resolved. For a time.

    Is there some sort of maximum number of times that Clone can be used or something? Does it sound as though I have corrupted files? I've been using these programs for years, and I've never experienced anything like this.

    BTW, the two burners I'm using are of good quality (Lite-On, Plextor), and I always use TYs (G02).

    I don't know about providing a log file, as this doesn't happen consistantly. Please let me know your thoughts. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything too important, my brain is a bit numb from the cold - it's -27 Celcius out there!
  2. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    Plextor... didn't know they still made them. That was my first dvd burner. How old are your burners and how many burns have you done on them? Could be a few things...
    1.) Old burner used too often. My Plextor started doing that years ago. I chalked it up to too many burns since burners supposedly have a lifespan of X # of burns, got a new burner and was back in business.
    2.) Need updated firmware for the drives to support newer media.
    3.) Speed you're burning at... just because a disc says 8X, doesn't mean you should burn at that speed. General rule of thumb is 1/2 the speed it's rated for with dvds.

    I bought my NEC's a few years ago and they didn't support anything more than 4X TY's with the firmware that came with them. I had to d/l the newest firmware update for my burner to burn the 8X TY's I was buying.

    I'd test out option 2 and 3. If they fail, try option 1.
  3. bryston

    bryston Regular member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    plextors are now rebadged pioneers with nec chip sets. They are not worth the premium they used to command imho.

  4. san_man

    san_man Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    @ vballstud,

    Option 1. The Plextor burner is only two years old. I don't run it as hard as some likely do. I can't rule that out obviously, but everything works fine as soon as I do the update again. Also, the fact that the same thing is happening on 2 seperate burners - I don't like those odds...

    Option 2. I could certainly check about firmware updates, but again, the setup hasn't changed in several years. Same burners, same discs, same speeds... I guess I'm just wondering why now?

    Option 3. Both burners are good for 8x , the discs I use are 8x , and I burn at 4x. That has all remained the same as well.

    Any thoughts?
  5. san_man

    san_man Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    I agree. I didn't pay all that much for this one. I get discounts from my supplier, or I likely wouldn't have bothered!

    That said, it's been working fine all this time, and now BOTH burners are having this problem. I just can't help but wonder if there were some software issue. Maybe even a software conflict?
  6. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    Brainstorming on other possibilities and posting other things I'd check.
    1.) I'm assuming that both burners are on the same system therefore most likely a software issue. Was anything installed during the time the issue started? Whether it was a new trial program or update, there is a possibility that could be the culprit.

    3.) When you uninstalled the Slysoft Products, did you use a registry cleaner as well to remove all traces of the programs?
  7. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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