Hi everbody Can anyone tell me if it's possible to replace the HDD with a SSD in a Toshiba Satellite L300 laptop? I know the SSD's are on the market but cannot find out if it's possible to fit one into my laptop. Thanks
if your drive is sata2 then probably can but why would you as your drive is about 250gig at about $100-150Can & i think the largest ssd drive is only 60gig at $192.95Can.
I use the laptop on stage. Vibrations effect the hard drive causing it to skip. I need a stable laptop and a solid state drive seems to be the answer.
hard drives don't skip but optical drives do so are you certain it is not your optical drive you are talking about?
Hard drives spin, therefore they are prone to skip in a noisey, vibrating environment. I am not using the optical (CDR) drive. I am looking for the same system as the Asus EEEPC 701SD Notebook, a solid state hard drive that I can fit into the Toshiba.
If a hard drive "skips" you will destroy the platters and the data will become unreadable. I would be curious to understand what you are describing as "skipping". If this is video output, it may not be skipping but the hard drive may be encountering data transfer delays that are causing choppy video. If it's video input, your drive may not be keeping up with the input signal or your input device may not be keeping up with the input. I am not trying to dissuade you from what you want to do, but just making sure you are doing it for "the right reason". What you are describing doesn't make sense.
I'm running audio backing tracks from the laptops hard drive. On larger stages with larger foldback monitors the backing track stops and starts in a chopping fashion. When the monitors are moved and the laptop is cushioned the problem goes away - but it's not foolproof, the problem still occurs. I'm looking for a much more reliable way to playback the tracks. So far my only option is to move the laptop to the sound desk where vibration is less apparent. Thanks for your suggestions. They're ALL valid and very welcome.
This leads me to believe that the problem is not in the hard drive per se. I'd like to hear what others think but it sounds to me like the hard drive transfer is not keeping up with the playback program or you have an application that might be stealing clock cycles/interrupts from the playback application. How "busy" is you system when you are trying to do this? Do you have a lot of background apps (virus/spyware scanners, etc.) running? I am not a fan of defragmenting hard drives but I wonder if the file is somehow badly fragmented. Your indication that it doesn't occur at the same place every time it happens makes fragmentation a more remote possibility. Just some thoughts.
rotorbabe, what do you mean by "larger foldback monitors"? how much ram are you using & how much is assigned to the videocard as your problem seems to point to the videocard? i knew hd's don't skip but wasn't going to get in an arguement over it.
By larger foldback monitors I mean bass speaker cabinets...very large and very loud. I'm using 2GB of RAM.
Since the problem has occurred on stages with small wedge monitors set approximately ten feet away from the laptop I don't think the magnets had anything to do with it. I'm ordering a laptop with a SSD.
the hd & rom drives' electric motors have magnets in them so that is not the problem. rotorbabe, have you done a scandisk for errors on the hard drive to see if the "skipping" damaged the platers of the drive?
I removed my earlier post. Please disregard. I was trying to be funny. It didn't work. I think ddp has you on track so I'll gracefully exit unless I have something pertinent and valuable to add.