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Discussion in 'DVDR' started by scribbla, Sep 12, 2002.

  1. scribbla

    scribbla Member

    Sep 12, 2002
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    i have copied a film to my hard drive using dvd decrypter and the film is 7 gb with extra features. im a bit stuck i want to try and fit this film onto a dvd -r disc. i have read many faqs and guides from doom9 etc.. i have ifoedit, remepeg2 dvd/avi , vobrator,dvd decrypter, i know you have to strip out certain files but i dont know what.
    some help from someone who has done this would be a real treat..
    or is it possible just to rencode it at a lower bitrate to bring it down from 7 gb to 4.36 gb or do you have to strip it as well???
    please help i have all the programs the guide tells you to have from doom9 dvd to dvd5 and have read the instructions but still get lost . any help would be appericated
  2. Insite

    Insite Guest

    Your easiest route is to strip everything but the main movie. Follow the guide at doom9 for 'how to copy just the main movie.' This is an easy method for getting rid of all the garbage with minimal user input. All you have to choose is which audio tracks / subtitles you want to keep. This MAY get you down small enough to fit on one disk. If it doesn't you will need to transcode to lower the bitrate.
  3. harvey713

    harvey713 Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    Doom9 is helpful, but read this thread:http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/5961

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