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upgrading my 120gb hdd to 750gb hdd on modded xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by tiddo711, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    I just got my 750gb refurbished hdd and am using the AID to try to boot it up but for some reason it wont load as easy as all the other threads that I have read imply that it will. I try to not start threads as there are loads of info from previous encounters pertaining to my situation, but after browsing for some help i can't seem to find what I need. I attained my xbox already built with a 120gb drive, and after dissecting it I think it has the alladin chip. I am running xbmc for my dash and it has been great (aside from burning off the solder where the power meets motherboard, quick fix) but i have the urge to push my storage to the maximum an ide drive can give. My new drive is a seagate barracuda 750gb 7200 rpm. I checked on the compatibility chart before purchase and it apparently is compatible. I switched the drive over, put in the aid, and it flashes red and yellow and says the hdd is unrecognisable. I know the aid is correct because i used it before to repair my box with previous issues. I have a laptop so i cant swap my computers hdd to load on the new dash and eeprom manually. Please help with any info and advice
  2. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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    I prefer installing chimp on your normal hd . Read Up . Theres plenty tuts .
  3. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    yeah...so as stated in my previous entry i cant load anything on my harddrive seeing as how i have a laptop and cant just swap it into my computer to load it. I have read tons of stuff and i wouldnt be posting on here if i hadnt took in all the info and applied it to my problem. Now when i put my old hdd in an try to run the aid it doesnt boot off of the cd, it only boots of the hdd. Is there some reason that my xbox wouldnt recognize a boot cd? I downloaded slayers aid and burned it as an image file on a new dvd and it wouldnt load either. I had used the same one previously so i know its good but now it wont recognize it. Maybe its the cd drive?
  4. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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    Perhaps Your Bios Doesnt Have CD Boot Enabled ? Or DVD Drive Check ? You Have A Hardmod ? Softmod ?
  5. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    It is a hard mod with the aladdin chip. I used your advice and tried the chimp method, i hadn't heard of this before so i disregarded it untill i checked into it and it seemed like it would work. It seemed like it was working, however when i scanned the drives all of the info didnt populate for my slave. It read the model number so i knew that it saw it but it didnt read some of the more detailed info. When i tried to clone it came up with error:eek:ut of memory. This was a clean hdd so i couldnt figure out why it would say that. I then got frustrated and did something very dumb, while ftp'ing i saw the Q: drive which i hadn't ever noticed before. I convinced myself this had to be the slave drive and deleted it (i know i know, ive already beat myself up for it). So now it boots to the xbox logo with xecuter 2 under it regardless if i boot it from the chip or the standard dash. All of the other drives were untouched, just the Q was messed with. Should i just build an eeprom reader and take the eeprom from the mobo since i cant autoboot a disk or ftp now?
  6. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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    Do you have your eeprom.bin ? If so then get xbox hdm V1.9 . Build your new drive . As far as im aware of Q drive only shows up hen your using xbox media center . Thats the only time ive ever seen it . Dont beat yourself up to bad . We all mess up . Take it in stride .
  7. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    i wasn't able to back up my eeprom because slayers or aid would not autoboot so i could back it up and xbmc didnt give me an option to do it. I have been reading chunkheads hdm tut through and through and i am going to try it when i get home from work. As far as it says i dont need an eeprom to do the hotswap. Hopefully this is true because i dont know a way to get it without the abitlity to boot to disc, ftp, or load another dash like evox, all of which i can not do. If this doesnt work i guess building an eeprom reader is my only other option
  8. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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    Yes the hotswap method will work . Best of luck .
  9. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    Thanks man, i really appreciate your help. I attempted to hotswap with hdm and of course, the PC wont boot the disc on startup. It is an ancient compaq that a friend has and cdrom is set to boot before hdd in the bios but it will not load the linux iso. I started working with xplorer360, got the ms dash and x360 on the pc from my laptop, but i started having issues and called it a night. I have been picking apart this site for years browsing threads, and learning all that i can but i just keep gettin snagged with this problem. I am gonna give xplorer360 another shot when i get off work today. So the PC is supposed to be powered on when i plug my xbox hdd in right? If i recall, i think i had the PC shutdown when i put the unlocked xbox hdd in, that might have been my issue. Once again thanks for advice, it is much needed
  10. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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    Yes pc must be on . hit pause / break key b4 you hook up the hd .
  11. varnull

    varnull Guest

    you lot of amateurs are making a right dogs dinner of this aren't you....... THIS IS NOT A SOFTMOD.. so forget about xboxhdm and locking the drive or any of that softmod noobishness...

    the chip allows the xbox to boot a disk, and to start with an unlocked drive.. BECAUSE IT REPLACES THE XBOX BIOS!! I would suggest as it's a hardmod using slayers.. with the unlocked hdd fitted, even though there is nothing on it...

    then just mod as usual, tho a 750 gig hdd is going to cause all kinds of problems.. it's just too damn big.
  12. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    i know all of this and i tried using slayers and the AID and neither would boot up. I dont know why my xbox would all of a sudden not be enabled to automatically boot from disc, but neither will startup before my xbox freezes on the big green X with executer2 under it. I can induce error 12 if i dont boot it through the chip but other than that i can get no response from it. Slayers and AID were my first choice, but getting no further towards a solution i started trying other methods for a solution. If someone can tell me why and how to fix my boot from cd issue on the xbox i will gladly boot the disc's, but if not, i will keep working on a different way to resore it.
  13. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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    Ive found sometimes xboxes get funny with different types of media . Personally i use dvd-r dvds and never once have i had an issue . So possibly it could be your cd ? Its just a thought . Theres nothing wrong with trying i guess . And FYI, harddrive size really doesnt matter . In my media center xbox i have a 1TB with a sata to ide converter . It works and runs just fine .
  14. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    i have tried two different types of media, dvd+r and cd-rw. I will go get some dvd-r today and see if that makes a difference. I am leaning towards the cd drive needing to be recalibrated or something like that. On to get a multimeter, what fun!!! And once again, thanks again s10, knowledge is power
  15. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    first try to clean the lens of your drive with a little bit of alcohol. most probably your lens is a little bit dirty, after cleaning the lens it might work fine. i have your problems a few times a year, cleaning the lens always works for me.
  16. tiddo711

    tiddo711 Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    alright, problem solved. After cleaning the lens and adjusting the pot to no avail i opened up a friends box and swapped dvd drives with him. Slayers booted up instantly and i was able to recover the old hdd and build the new one so I am up and running with the new 750gb drive. I dont have enough media to fill it up but i am on the quest to do just that as we speak. Thanks for the help guys, i really appreciate it. Now i am just going to get a new drive off of ebay or something so i can read disks again but i have plenty of stuff to ftp over to keep me busy
  17. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    you know that if you boot off a modchip, you can put any dvd drive (pc-drive!!) that fits. the front bezel will not fit most probably, so you have to take that off the pc dvd drive, but your xbox will boot up fine withaa pc dvd drive in your xbox as long as you boot of the chip. only downside is that a pc dvd drive cannot boot any original xbox games.... (it will run copies off course!).

    when you boot off the original ms bios, you will get an error (12 or 13, DVD drive error) when you have a pc dvd drive in it...

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