Have they made a router that lets select with a click or 2 a universal port forward mode, basically letting the router just split the information on the network to mutli PCs and not have to worried about speeds and connections lost to NAT issues? I might know my way about a PC and windose...but networking is something I still haz yet to master...... I have a old linksys wrt54g v2.2 BTW so most of my wireless and router exp on. I am just wondering if they made the newer ones fool proof regarding port forwarding... All the fire wall I can stand is in my kaspersky suit, I need nothing else confusing me 0-o
have a look in DD-WRT firmware for your WRT54G. i have a WRT54GS with DD-WRT, and it runs much better than the stock linksys firmware. much more controls, including port forwarding.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd-wrt wiki page about DD-WRT http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/down...inksys/WRT54G_v2.2/dd-wrt.v24_mini_wrt54g.bin firmware download straight from DD-WRT site. luckily, you have the older version, which is just update and use. v5 and up requires some work before updating. i think the feature you're looking for is UPnP. taken straight from DD-WRT control panel:
UTorrent 1.6.X dose not like it, but ti is running better than before. whats the proper way to set up ranges its not letting me set 1000-6000 or what not.....I have UT randomidize the ports..I know my IP.... I just can't set PF ranges right ><