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AutoGK Problems.

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by VProphet, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. VProphet

    VProphet Guest

    Hi Everyone. I've been having problems converting my film collection to .avi using AutoGK. Sometimes it works perfectly & the results are excellent, but then there are times where the audio is completely out of sync. This tends to happen quite a lot and is very frustrating.

    I leave it to convert overnight so my PC doesn't have anything else running and I use DVD Dab Decrypter to rip the DVD onto my hard drive first.

    Does anyone have some advice on how to stop this happening or is there a better program I could use instead?

  2. ebega

    ebega Regular member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    I've had the same problems with random dvds using AutoGK. Never really found a way to correct it, but I have never had a sync problem when using fairuse wizard rather than AutoGK. However, I must admit that I prefer AutoGK over Fairuse Wizard, just personal preference. When I get a movie that is out of sync from AutoGK, I just run the resulting .avi file through AviMux GUI and use the "time shift" option to correct the sync issue. And since AviMux GUI doesn't re-encode and simply muxes the streams, the entire
    AviMux GUI process takes only a couple of minutes.

    AviMux GUI:
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I've not come across this with AutoGK (yet) so can't suggest any other fixes. Latest version is 2.55 though i've also used the previous couple of versions without issue.
  4. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I have had the audio/video sync issue when using AGK as well. I read somewhere, and tend to buy into, that your ripping program actually doing a good job may be the culprit. When you have a disk that uses multiple fake or dummy cells, your ripper may remove these, which then introduces a time difference between audio and video. Creaky or dialysis may inform me that this is complete nonsense :D However, as of late, if I plan to convert a film to .avi then I rip it twice. The first is the full disk for backup purposes. And the second is movie only for converting. To this point this has eliminated my sync issues. I have had hit and miss success with trying to match audio/video framerates or interleaving with a timeshift using VirtualDubMod. Any other suggestions would be great to hear.
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    All movies i rip via DVDFab go thru vobblanker in order to clean up after (potential) dirty rips anyway, and any (older) movies i'd ripped via DVD Decrypter (and in fact any movies previously ripped with DVDFab and subsequently re-ripped via DVD Decrypter) will be 'clean' anyway ie hopefully devoid of these problems. I don't know however if this is why any movies i've AutoGK'd thus far have been fine sync-wise.
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    that'll teach me to convert loads of movies without issue. Just found one that's way out of sync. Can't find a time shift option in AVI-Mux GUI, trying a few other things then i think i'll cheat and try re-AutoGK'ing by forcing output audio to "Original (AC3/DTS/MPA only)" In Advanced Settings, as the source audio is VBR.

    edit- nope, it didn't work.. will look into it some more later, it's movie watching time, have had enough farting about with this for now..
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  7. dialysis1

    dialysis1 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Sometimes when a DVD is not ripped correctly there will be a bad cell at the beginning that can cause this behavior. Trimming a little off the beginning can correct this using DVD Shrink in the re-author mode. Sometimes using FixVTS will correct this also.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Sure, i thought of that, but only briefly as the movie is old and was ripped fine/burnt to dvd fine long ago (Jim Carrey, Liar Liar). All's not lost as it's an excuse to keep playing the lift scene (with Krista Allen) over and over, while allegedly checking the sync :)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  9. dialysis1

    dialysis1 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    I would then use AviDemux to correct this.
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Can't find anything (simple) in AviDemux, i did something similar in VirtualDub recently so am trying that for now... (i'm no good at moving sliders and setting start/end point for sync type stuff i'm afraid).

    edit- have found the timeshifting bits and bobs in AviDemux, sync is still way out, am persevering though...

    edit- what a pain in the arse, am AutoGK'ing again, this time with VBR as the output audio

    edit- and just had a thought, trying out DVDFab Platinum as well (at the same time as AutoGK, thank goodness for Quad Cores eh), and if the above fails, i'm giving up, it's easier to just keep the dvd files on the hard drive instead of trying to save a couple of Gigabytes :)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  11. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Yaaaaay, someone else feels my pain...sorry Creaky, I know what a pain in the rear it can be.
    I am sure you know that if you load the file into VDubMod and then open the "Streams" ==> "Report", it will give you the length of the Video stream and the audio stream. Sometimes you can take the difference between the two and interleave the audio by going to Streams==>Streams List==>Right click and select Interleaving==>Type in your delay in Audio Skew Correction==>Hit Ok==>Then do a file Save As==> Put in your filename and be sure to change from Full Processing Mode to Direct Stream Copy.
    This has fixed my problem on many but not all files where I have the sync issues. I figured you were already aware of this but perhaps others may benefit :)
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Nah i don't know hardly anything about (tedious!) sync fixing :)
    If it was an AVI i'd obtained and a little messing didn't resolve sync i'd *ahem* obtain another AVI. As it's from a rip of my own DVD i was determined to get to the bottom of this as i'd no doubt have the problem again.
    The subsequent AutoGK runs made no difference, but DVDFab worked fine. It took 2 hours but at least it worked. I will try the method you suggested shortly, as i can't be doing with using DVDFab everytime.

    edit- cheers for the info, it's similar to what i was trying in AVI-Demux, but my patience has it's limits. I can't fix the sync, for now i'll stick with DVDFab's copy. I have a strong feeling that for any future sync issues i'll just be lazy and use DVDFab instead.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2009
  13. encephalo

    encephalo Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    I have had the audio sync problems...seems to happen unpredictably with some DVD's but not most... I fixed it with VirtualDub by offsetting the audio as mentioned above...takes only seconds on my system and with Direct Stream Copy, there is no recompression to lose quality.

    I am having another problem if anyone can help. I encoded around 10 DVDs without problem a few weeks ago. Without any changes to my system (no installs, codec changes, etc), AutoGK encodes loopbacks into the video. To clarify, it's like multiple flashbacks...I watch a few minutes then the movie jumps back several minutes. It plays past the prior point only to jump back in the movie again. A two hour movie becomes around 3 hours. Nero Recode to .mp4 doesn't do this (but the mp4 files from Nero won't play on my standalone.

    Can anyone suggest why the above problem?
    Thanks in advance.
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Since my previous post above i've been ripping thru another chunk of my favourite movies and had converted using AutoGK. What i've found is that skimming thru an AutoGK'd movie (looking for sync problems) is too hit and miss - one or more parts of a movie seems to sync fine then you sit and watch it and the sync goes to pot at random intervals. I've found this on quite a few movies now, what a complete waste of CPU power. I'm actually quite narked as apart from all the wasted time it's annoying not least because i've wasted even more time with AVIDemux, VirtualDub etc etc etc, and worse still there doesn't seem to be a 100% tried and tested solution. Even using DVDFab Platinum doesn't always work (the 1 time i used it previously ie for Liar Liar it worked). I tried FairUse Wizard for a laugh and what an atrociously unfriendly program that is, i can't even stand it long enough to go thru all the option choices.
    The upshot is that for now i'm not going to redo the many out of sync AVI's unless the sync is really bad. If anyone has any suggestions (other than attempting to fix the sync via programs such as AVIDemux/Virtualdub etc etc as they're very hit and miss for me, well mostly miss) on what program to use for DVD->AVI conversions, i'm all ears. I'm thoroughly hacked off with the whole thing, especially as normal DVD Encoding/Transcoding ie with DVD Shrink, DVD Rebuilder type programs just don't suffer from this nonsense ie i can only assume this problem lies within the coding (or lack thereof!) of some of the DVD->AVI programs specifically ?..

    ..and for that matter, converting AVI's to DVD doesn't ever seem to suffer from these problems either, i just don't see what can be so difficult about only DVD->AVI conversions.

    /this rant is no doubt going to continue for days and weeks

    edit- thought i'd posted a solution here previously - obviously not :)

    Other than the problems i had with Liar Liar, it seems that the only other out of sync AVI's were from Disney DVD's i'd previously ripped by DVDFab - back before i knew that DVDFab produced less than clean rips. Ripped them from my original retail DVD's again (with DVDFab followed by Vobblanker to clean up the rips) then no more sync issues.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2009
  15. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I just finished one, frame rates match and total time for the video and audio are the same, yet they are out of sync by like 30 seconds. It is the worst I have ever done. So obviously I am of no help to you Creaky. Right now I am off to try a different approach. Will post back if it helps :)

    Edit: First try was with DVDFab and VobBlanker. Second try was just AnyDVD, that one worked this time, everything was in sync. Too lazy to mess with the first attempt to try and get it synced up.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  16. j3d1

    j3d1 Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I'm having the same issues as "encephalo" with the video/audio loopbacks... When it occurs .. I have to watch the same 2 seconds of audio/video about 3-4 times in a row... before the movie plays on.

    Also I end up with out of sync audio about 9 times out of 10.

    I've followed the n00b tutorial exactly.... as this isn't my first time converting DVD>AVI ... Just first time using DVD Decryter / AutoGK.

    I noticed that the latest release of "B0lt" by a certain axx0... even has this loopback issue going on thru-out the vid... so it must happen even to the best.. but what is the cause/ solution...?

    plz help...anyone.
  17. j3d1

    j3d1 Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Just wanted to correct... it was the FXG version that was skipping like mine... not axxo.

    Still have not resolved this issue... my last resort is to install a clean copy of windows/apps/codecs.. and try again.

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