All, My heart is broken. Much work and no success. Let me start. I found out (true or false) that it was impossible to break astra 28.2 sat stuff. I have a dm800 HD PVR. I have image Nablio. So no problem there. Know Unix so can put on Evocamd, mgcamd, cccam, all no problem. So all loaded. Have also installed satan key bundle. Have a terrestrial.xml loaded that scans and picks up all the mmds ch***s channels for ireland. Can see all the freeview channels for ch***s mmds so I have the signal. Have loaded the keys and scce directories with what i think is the good stuff. Have used the blue panel to activate the CAM. So its all good. What am I doing wrong. The terrestrial.xml is fine so I guess the keys from satandream are no good. Please. please help. So close. Also a really stupid question. I have the basic ch****s subscription. Do I need the card in my dm800 or not. Also could someone tell me if I can get HD on MMDS. Wud be nice with a HD receiver like the DM800. Thanks to anone who has the time to answer these daft but important questions to me Fintan
The romfiles should go to usr/keys. Beside that there should be a symbolic link which point from var/scce to var/keys and therefor all other files should go to var/keys. You can also use usr/key if you want.
Thanks mgb. done as instructed. still no joy. is there something about attributes i need to change. i have evocamd 2.17 = newcs1.60 as default cam. i'm using nabilosat black hole. when i go into the blue panel and select keys i get 'sorry, connection failed'. any ideas. do i need the ch888s card in the dm800 at all. even if i do put it in its still no joy. appreciate any help
Restart evocamd. Beside that you need the new patched rom files for auto update and you have to wait a little bit.
is it the case that the current rom files are of no use. any ideas as to when a new set will be available
The latest patch is from beginning of december. You should check if your rom files are older (nagrarom7.bin, nagrarom10.bin, nagrarom11.bin).
just checking around further. noticed a post from mgb about autoupdate in this its stated that The AutoRoll.Key is for autoupdate. If there is no keyroll the file is not needed. There should be valid keys for N 5E01 00 and N 5E01 01. now if i look in my autoupdate file these are not there. however in my keylist file i have 5e01 01 and 5f01 00. i do not have keys for 5e01 00. does this matter
checked the bin files. they are date to 2005 but this cant be right as it is the latest files from however it does look strange that they are all 1kb in size which seems very small for a bin file. also when i downloaded the latest files i noticed that there was no mention of 5e01 or 5f01. can u help with files
thanks for help mgb. all sorted. autoupdate.key missing 5E information and keylist file was not properly written