i have a 16 gig usb pen drive that is only showing 1 gig , i have been on the disk management program which shows 2 penetrations i can access the1 gig but can't access the remaining 15gig in the a separate partion,when i try to reformat it just reformats the lower partion Is there some software i can download or use that might correct this ? thanks michael
Here is what I would do in vista (I think this works in XP) 1.) type "cmd" at run dialogue 2.) Type "diskpart" 3.) Type "list disk" 4.) Type "select disk 1" or whatever number the pen drive is. 5.) Type "Clean" 6.) Type "create partition primary" 7.) Type "select partition 1" 8.) Type "active" 9.) Type "exit" twice ...Now it should be available at full size for windows to format.