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Output video too dark

Discussion in 'Blu-ray players' started by ANTC1221, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. ANTC1221

    ANTC1221 Member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Well I have come to accept that it takes many many hours of encoding to go from BD to MKV but its alright. I finally figured everything out and got a more reasonable encode time and did get POTC3 encoded to an MKV and then to a m2ts file that the PS3 can read. It is even really high quality and only 6GB!

    However.. something with the color got messed up in the conversion somehow. It is wayyy too dark. It isn't my TV because with original BD looks great and if i turn the brightness up enough on the TV itself to where the dark scenes look normal again, its almost off the scale and when switched to anything else is completely washed out. What can be done to fix this?
  2. ANTC1221

    ANTC1221 Member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Oops, I should also add I used MeGUI on this again and looked high and low for any kind of brightness or color correction settings and found nothing. I tried using XVID4PSP since I read that it has color correction and brightness but when similar settings used for encoding that I used in MeGUI, I ended up with a 15GB mkv! Way too big and the quality didnt seem to be as good either.

    Can anyone offer any suggestions of what I can do to fix this? I am a total n00b at encoding BD's even though I have tons of experience with old normal DVDs so Im not completely new to things.

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