Hi,guys I will like to put some music video on to a dvd, but do not know the way. How many videos can you put on a dvd? What free software do you need? And how do you do it? Can anyone help me out? Thanks
Depending on how you want them stored, you can do this in one of 2 ways. You can store them as 'data' using imgburn to burn them to disk. Depending on their size, you can get quite a few on there. If you want to put them onto a dvd to be viewed by a dvd player, you can use dvd flick. Depending on how long the videos are, you can get quite a few on one disk.
Thank for the help rtm27 How do i use dvd flick to make the music video for the dvd I would like to play the video on my dvd player. Thank again
When you open dvd flick, you can simply add the videos you want it to convert. In the 'project settings' you can have the settings to 'play the next title' which will play the vids one after the other. It also has settings to make your own chapters.