just bought this mini netbook running linux, looks like a custom debian package, i need help with some of the pin outs of this... it has linux built on to a chip which looks like its not writable from using it. im hoping that one of you guys has got a pin-out diagram of a 68-pin SDram chip. 34 pins either side.. quite chunky if you ask me.... and yes i definitely have the right chip, its says Samsung Linux and even has the penguin written on it? simple chinese innovation.... i have done some research on this laptop and it seems to be manufactured by Skytone, its rebranded for 8 different companys.. any help is widely appreciated
Why is this needed? The chip will have to be writable for you to be able to save any work unless it uses a separate device to save to, which seems a bit of a waste.
its using some kind of SSD which limits usability. trying to write to it causes errors on screen. except there seems to be a recovery system... linux being linux is pretty flexible and because they have released it open source... posibility of rewriting is ok but its just getting it to boot with it.... and it seems to me that this is the only way. thanks
Hi, yeh i thought that too! i spoke to someone who is writing some similar code to the distro built in and he says thats just some access errors from it being non writable... he is suffering the same things. its like who ever programmed it, left it open either because for added ability later or just sloppy hardware/software... typical cheap chinese labouring