My creative speakers just died on me... They don't even turn on. The amplifier in the sub-woofer must have died... I've thrown the sub-woofer unit in the trash, however I'm wondering if there's something I can do with the 6 satellite speakers. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could use them for? or should I just put them to the same faith as the sub-woofer unit?
Depends what connectors they use, if it's just straight wires they'll work with any amp. If they use RCA plugs they'll work, but only with a replacement amp similar to the one you used (doesn't have to be identical).
Thanks Sammorris, you already gave me an idea... I was thinking of building a HTPC on my bedroom from old hardware I have standing here and I'm going to use those speakers on it. My question now is, is there some kind of small/cheap amp and sub-woofer to add to these speakers? Nothing fancy, just something under 50 bucks, for more than that I can get a new set of pc speakers.