Hiya, Im looking for a program that will allow me to take a avi. movie and chop it up so that I can take only certain parts and put them on a powerpoint Quick help is GREATLY preciated! I suppost to have the powerpoint done tonight and this is the last thing to do! THANKS
It looks like I'm too late to answer your question, but if anyone else has this same question, here's my recommendation. If you have Windows XP or Vista, you can simply use Windows Movie Maker to import the video. Once the video is imported, you can then go to the beginning of the clip that you want to make and use the "split" tool. Next go to the end of the clip and split again. Now you'll have a separate clip that you can use in powerpoint that contains only the portion of the movie that you just clipped. This isn't the greatest example, but here's a video that demonstrates what I explained above. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl9vIjEue4Y
use avidemux, it specializes in splitting up avi's. It'll cut up your avi without reencoding, it'll also rejoin them. The program is free and easy to use.