Ok, so I've never had to deal with wireless mouse drivers. They've simply just worked whenever I plugged them into a system- XP, Vista, even Ubuntu has done fine with past wireless mice. So, my wife purchase a wireless mouse in South Korea and XP is saying it requires a driver. I've googled the model number and the brand name, but nothing has come up. We bought the mouse in South Korea and I believe it was made in China. It works fine on my Vista system, but her system is XP. The brand is Biggrin and the model number is BWM-500W. If I can't find a driver, is there a generic driver that will work on XP. What driver is Vista using that isn't on a fully updated XP system? Thanks.
Ok, nevermind, I went to device manager, reinstall driver, install driver from specific source, manually choose driver, and clicked on HID device in the menu. Worked like a charm, thanks anyways. If anone else is struggling with this, pm me and I will explain and would even be willing to e-mail screen shots to clarify. THanks.