Greetings - Don't know if anyone here can help out, but thought I'd ask. I just got a new graphics card (GEForce 9400 GT ...low end but way better than the on board card) so I can run games on my puter. So of course my son hijacked my machine to run a borrowed copy of Fallout 3. The game ran fine and he beat it in a couple days and wanted to screw around with the game counsel. The ~ key doesn't bring up the counsel (or do anything). Game sites all say infrared or remote sensors are most likely cause or counsel is brought up off screen. I have none of the first and it's not the off screen problem. It runs fine on his puter (he has less ram, a single core processor and his graphics card struggles with the game), he has vISTA Ultimate and I have the Home Premium. The key itself works as you can see in my post. So it must be a setting or something interfering. I have no idea where to look or what to look for if I found the where. Any help would be awesome. - Doug
Sorry I spaced right over the Games folder... I re posted this thread there. Since I can't edit or delete perhaps a moderator can delete this for me?