Ive recently lost all my stations on my didivox-t model.Ive ckecked the dish and all the cables.Its saying bad channel or no signal.I dont know how to put any new codes in on the digivox.I was wondering if any one could help me.
try erase box re-flash the box re-scan for channels emu on just what you done before to get the channels going may be a small fault with the box too T
if its bad or scrambled usually emu,updating is change of codes,no signal can be coaxial not plugged into antenna in.
thanks alot my emu was turned off but im still not getting any stations.would you have the code for the code to be entered in the nagravation I think I might have changed one digit. thanks
PS... no codes are posted on this site by ADMIN.... see.... digivox T (get it going UPDATED) for what you need T