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eepc with prob

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by garycox, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. garycox

    garycox Guest

    could some kind person please help with my sons notebook .he as a eepc which was wireless but cant get it to connect with the router.and now i have tried to connect with a cable and it wont connect.
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    can't help without knowing which model and operating system.
  3. garycox

    garycox Guest

    thanx varnel its os is linux and its a eepc 900a
  4. garycox

    garycox Guest

    sorry for spelling your name wrong
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    ok. so it's running xandros .. new one on me. It's not freeware.. which I think is a very major mistake on the part of asus.. get away from one pay money proprietary lump of M$ junk.. to do the same thing again with linux.. wrong.. wrong!

    I can't download it and install it on something to see if there is anything odd about the setup.. except for the free trial version.. and I'm not touching that.. dirty proprietary software (wipes hands and shudders)..

    standard debian networking methods should work.


    eth0 dhcp .. will likely be the thing you need to set first to get the wired side of things up. crack that and we will dig into the wireless (I don't have any wireless hardware.. so I'm lost from there)

    nice intro.. but apparently xandros uses a desktop tool for this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2009
  6. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    The networking chipsets in the 900A should work out of the box, regardless of which distro you are using. And if you're using the stock install, even more so.

    Have you made sure that the wireless is enabled in the bios and/or the Eee tray utility?

    Have you got restricted mac address settings on your router?

    Have you got DHCP enabled on your router?
  7. garycox

    garycox Guest

    thanx all managed to get it working wired. but u will have to tell me how to go about the router bit.
  8. varnull

    varnull Guest


    should help.. you need to know your wireless settings.. the notebook should be working out of the box as far as the drivers for the hardware are concerned... does it have a wireless switch on it?.. check the wiki ;)
  9. garycox

    garycox Guest

    yes it has a wireless switch ,its turned on it finds the router ,but it justs keeps on geting the "pending" thing. when i look at the details no dhcp offers
  10. varnull

    varnull Guest

    then your router isn't offering a connection.
  11. garycox

    garycox Guest

    thanx varnull how do i go about getting my router to offer a connection.i know how to get into the router but am a bit scared to start messing about with it in case i f-uck my connection up to my other laptop

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