HD Files and Folders Files Can't be Burnt With Imgburn

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by rogue20, Mar 24, 2009.

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  1. rogue20

    rogue20 Regular member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    I've tried every conceivable method to burn HD dvd files and folders, created by Ulead DVD Movie Factory, using ImgBurn.

    I've tried converting them into iso and img but it's just impossible, there's no control over burning speed with Ulead Movie Factory, so i was hoping i could use ImgBurn to burn my HD folders as i read it could do this.

    If you have had any luck could you please give me some advice, as all disc come up "not a dvd format" when burned with ImgBurn and played in my Toshiba HD player, if Ulead burns them they play ok.
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