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seagate 1.5TB crashes computer after reformat

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by jasonx165, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. jasonx165

    jasonx165 Member

    Feb 16, 2008
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    I was trying to reformat my hard drive to 32FAT with swissknife and it said there are no partitions made we will have to delete all partitions to make room so I said ok it did it and said to close the program unplug the HDD and plug it back in so i did that i plug it back in and the Seagate software it came with said there are no partitions for it and it needs to create them so again i said ok. So it as it was creating the new partition it suddenly said failed to create partition and I had to click ok after this everything fell apart my computer would freeze left and right if I even tried to right click the drive in which my hard drive was and would be fine when i disconnect it please help me out here. I just bought this and dont want to have to take it back.
  2. jasonx165

    jasonx165 Member

    Feb 16, 2008
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    I have restarted the computer and it just got worse. Now I cant even going my computer it freezes if the external HDD is connected when im trying to look and crashes windows explorer then goes back to normal when I dissconnect
  3. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    If possible do a scandisk with the box to fix errors checked on your 1.5tb hard drive. All those abnormal shutdowns might have corrupted it.

    next you might want to try a different formatting utility. I would use the bootcd that came with your drive, or the free gparted bootcd.

    when you partition a hard drive, you never have to disconnect the hard drive and reconnect. Swissknife is doing something wrong when it tells you to disconnect the drive.

    On a drive as large as 1.5 tb you should seriously consider formatting using the NTFS system instead of FAT32. It's more resistant to corruption problems.

    When the hard drive freezes your computer that is a good sign that it's corrupted. The corruption isn't fatal, in most cases it's caused by faulty partitioning software or abnormal shutdowns. Though some drives you buy might be bad, in the 20 or so drives I've bought over the years, I've never had a DOA. If you can get a scandisk going on that drive, you can probably get it to work properly.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    there is a possible problem with seagate drives about 1tb & above in regards to the firmware of the drive.
  5. Shamb1es

    Shamb1es Regular member

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Yes, you'll want to go to their website and update the driver before doing anything else. It was mostly the larger drives that were affected but the driver update is for the smaller drives as well.

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