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issue with merging videos with different audio/video framerates

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by 5fdpfan, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    I want to merge 3 parts of a downloaded ppv into one video to burn to disc but for some reason unknown to me, the second part has different parameters then parts 1 and 3. And so when I attempt to merge them together the software program warns me about this issue, telling me that merging them will result in possile problems with the audio and video being in sync so it won't do it. How do I combat this probelm without having to resort to using my screencapsture program to record the videos and degrade the overall quality of the video in the process. Is there a program anyone can recomend that will merge avi videos regardless of their bitrates? I've tried encoding theh avi's to MPEG's using Super but even then, the files are still unable to be merged together as the original framerates apparetnly remain unchanged. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. mistycat

    mistycat Active member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Not sure but you can try AviMux_Gui (vl 17.8-binary): http://www.alexander-noe.com/video/amg/ Drag the avi's into the top window in the order you wish, highlight them all by highlighting the first and dragging your cursor over the other 2 at the same time. Select "generate data" and in the lower window highlight audio that will appear. Select "start", save and name as you wish. Should only take a minute or two.
  3. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try.
  4. KajNrig

    KajNrig Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Is it the framerates that are different? Or is it the bitrate? (The two are very different, you see.)

    Assuming it's the former, the only way I know of to deal with that is to use Avisynth to... "change" the framerate. The thing is, though, that Avisynth is a very complicated program and it doesn't actually do any sort of merging of videos to produce another video file. You'll need a video program like VirtualDub(Mod) or MeGUI to do that.

    Anyway, download Avisynth, install it, yadda yadda.

    Now find out what the framerate is for your first or third video (either or, since you say they're both the same).

    Go to Notepad (or any text editor), and type in the following:

    AviSource("C:/...path.../movie 1.avi")+AviSource("C:/...path.../movie 2.avi",fps=[framerate of movie 1],convertfps=true)+AviSource("C:/...path.../movie 3.avi")

    ...then save it with the extension ".avs." Load this up in MeGUI or VirtualDub(Mod) (or maybe even AviMuxGUI... I dunno, but it might accept Avisynth input) and you should get yourself a video that plays as it should. Then convert this to whatever .avi format you want, and there you go, you should have yourself a nice .avi file with everything going from one to the next.

    NOTE: You have to make sure that all these videos are the same resolution first (all 720x480, for instance). If they aren't, it won't work.

    But there's my two cents. Complicated, but it produces the best results I've ever seen.
  5. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    The bitrates are different. Framerates are the same.
  6. KajNrig

    KajNrig Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Well, you should still be able to use Avisynth to merge them together fairly easily.

    Did AviMux work for you? If so, then you can disregard the rest of this post.

    If it didn't, and you want to try the Avisynth route, then try this:

    Write the same script, but exclude the extra stuff in the second AviSource.

    AviSource("C:/...path.../movie 1.avi")+AviSource("C:/...path.../movie 2.avi")+AviSource("C:/...path.../movie 3.avi")

    This SHOULD work out fairly well for you. I haven't worked much with multiple .avi files, though, so I can't be sure if it'll work. Try it out, though, and see for yourself if it's to your liking.
  7. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    AviMux_Gui (vl 17.8-binary worked fantastically. Thanks for the help. That annoying problem will now be a thing of the past.

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