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Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by tkzim, Mar 15, 2004.

  1. tkzim

    tkzim Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    The B!tch & Complain Movement, Offering a better life to those with hate!!

    For everyone who hates something in his or her life or just hates something in general, I have just the thing for you. The B!tch & Complain Movement!!! This movement was designed for the people that hate people and other things. It was originally a power point presentation that I created on my laptop at work. It was about everything that I hate and it outlined a plan to resolve the problems. It offered up solutions, possible scenarios, and the technology to carry out the plans. So, I decided to e-mail it to some of my friends. They agreed with my presentation and decided to join me. My presentation will offend most people who read it, directly and indirectly, which was the original plan. I made damn sure that I would offend everyone that I hate and everyone involved in the things that I hate. It was necessary for to stop distributing the presentation because it had evolved into something more than just an offensive proposition. It has become a reason, the reason. It’s reason to b!tch about our jobs, a reason to complain about anything and everything, and a reason to sit around and boycott the stupid F*CKING SH!T in life!!!

    Does your neighbor really p!ss you off? Does The Learning Channel get you steamed? Are you tired of working a dead end job? Are you sick to death of uniforms, ties, aprons with chicken guts, working in malls where all the stupid ass high school kids go to stir up a ruckus, & CTPL programs? I am!!! Join me!!! I will lead you to true sovereignty, where you can complain all you want and no one will intervene. I don’t know about you, but I got tired of work, ebonics, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, MTV’s repetitive video play, and the agony of listening to Blink 182.

    B!tch & Complain Movement Copyright 2004.
    Part of the B!tch & Complain Co.
    Owner & C.E.O. T.K.Z.

    Want more information? You can contact me, T.K.
    E-mail me: semperfi_tkz@yahoo.com

    Disclaimer: The B!tch & Complain Co. will not be held responsible for the loss of your job, murder conviction, public indecency, pissing on the Alamo, Spousal abuse, Battery, Misconduct, Assault with the intent to kill, larceny, Drug/alcohol abuse, or just blatant stupidity on your behalf. We merely showed you the light. Any itching, redness, or irritation of the skin, or nausea is none of my concern, you should go see someone about it and then come back and complain. If you have the slightest inclination to say something negative about my movement, don’t waste your precious time. Keep it to yourself. You see, by letting me know that you hate my movement, you are just participating in it. What that means is that you are b!tching and complaining, which was the soul intent of The B!tch & Complain Movement, to B!tch & Complain about the things you hate. Have a nice day!
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    ***moved to proper forum***

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