"Zero Display Service" with Catalyst 4.X

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Nephilim, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I've run into this error with the all the 4.X Catalyst drivers for my 9800 Pro and can't find much on this particular error when I google it. Following a guide from rage3d, I've gone through my system and removed everything to do with ATI drivers using DriverCleaner2, RegCleaner and the Catalyst removal utility and still get this stupid error. The only sticking point was the SmartGart removal utility wouldn't run because it wants to install to C drive which mine is J and it won't let you change the install to a different drive letter.

    All my games end up with a BSOD and it happens sooner and sooner into the game as I've tried each new Catalyst release. Could it be that my card is made by Sapphire and not ATI? Is it just an accumulation of crap driver files from incomplete uninstalls causing this error?

    I appreciate any help fellas :) I'm starting to get twitchy from lack of gaming.
  2. DMW

    DMW Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Hi, only had my ATI card for short while, but it has ran with no problems using latest Catalyst drivers, it is a Sapphire card also, but the Catalyst drivers work with all Radeons as they all have ATIs' chips on them.
    I installed the latest DNA drivers recently to see if there were any performance tweaks, doesnt seem any different but they work fine, maybe they could help you....they are available from www.guru3d.com

    Hope it helps, no games can be frustrating i know.

  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I had a Radeon 8500 for the longest time with no driver issues then I got the Sapphire and had no probs till the last two times I tried to install. My dad's comp has a 9600XT running the latest Catalyst with no issues. I'm thinking my machine is just mucked up from all sorts of crap leftover from all the uninstalls I do because I just have to try every single neat little app I run across. That's why I ordered Norton Ghost. When this crops up in the future the solution will be much easier.

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