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Finalize DVD on another machine

Discussion in 'DVD-VCR combos' started by JDiane, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. JDiane

    JDiane Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Hi Everyone!

    I'm new here.

    Background - I've wanted to transfer my 200+ videos to dvds for the longest time. I did some research and came up with a good model, the JVC vcr/dvd combo with a hard drive (DR-MX1S) and in December 2005 hubby got it for me. For 4 1/2 years it has worked FANTASTICALLY, did EXACTLY what I wanted (transferred the videos, minus editing out commercials [extremely easy to do] to dvds) and I'm not even going to say how much I love the hard drive. I loved it sooo much that I raved about it to anyone who would listen, even wrote a review of the machine on Amazon.com.

    Present time - About 2 weeks ago I was watching a store bought dvd and at the end of the movie my dvd part of the machine crapped out; refused to acknowledge ANY dvd. I contacted JVC and they said I could send the machine to Georgia (I'm in NY) and for a minimum of $65 I could have a technican look at it and see if it could be fixed and then let me know what the cost could be. I'm not doing that! They no longer make my model although they do make vcr/dvd models but nothing with the hard drive (company decided it wasn't a positive thing) and I will NOT do without it.

    I recently bought a Sylvania vcr/dvd combo with a hard drive for a decent price from ebay (don't laugh!) that I'm waiting for.

    Now comes my problem - While the JVC worked I created quite a few dvds that I never finalized since I wanted to add more to it in time. What do I do with those dvds now? I can't finalize on the JVC since the dvd part crapped out and my new machine is a Sylvania. I really don't want to lose what's on the partial dvds since some of the stuff are from talk shows in the past 6+ months and they don't really repeat what I have on them. Can I hook up the new machine to the old and finalize that way? Can I hook up the old machine to my PC laptop, download a program and do it that way? I'm clueless.

    Sorry for taking up so much room! Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I don't think so........
    It has always been my understanding that a disc MUST be finalized on the machine that made it. When you get your Sylvania, give it a try, but don't get your hopes too high. Maybe things have changed, but I haven't heard about it, if it has.
    Good luck!
  3. JDiane

    JDiane Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Thanks for responding. I know about the finalization on the same machine, I was just hoping someone could tell me something else. Although, I did come across something on the web about hooking up 2 vcr's to one tv which I'm going to try this weekend. I got the Sylvania yesterday and my hook up must have been wrong since I couldn't do what I wanted with that, it wouldn't acknowledge the JVC machine. Aside from unfinal disks I also have things on the JVC hard drive that I want to download so I'm hoping by hooking up BOTH I could use the best of both machines, since there are features on the JVC that I prefer.
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    some of the real cheap recorders will finalize other machines disks.. I have a tevion which will do the job that "better" brands will not.

    I think you will find you are wasting your time if you try to use one recorder to copy disks played in the other.. the manufacturers have thought that out years ago and generally they will throw copyproofing errors.. even on your own recordings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2009

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