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Linux Intrusion Detection

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by funky01, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. funky01

    funky01 Member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    I have Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Herson. I would like to secure my OS with a good Intrusion Detection Application with a good GUI and alerts you when someone tries to break in and gain access. I did an apt-cache search intrusion and found a lot of choices. I am inquiring for some good thoughts and intelligent suggestions. Thank you.
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    why?.. who are you scared of??

    just a secure password will do.. but then again if you knew anything about security then it's doubtful you would run ubuntu.. because it has security flaws.

    ask on the ubuntu forums and see what they suggest.. because anything us server runners here will tell you will be about 50,000 times too hardline secure to be used as a normal desktop machine.

    people.. especially script kiddies just don't bother with linux machines.. they are secure by design unlike the "always administrator" windoze soft targets. (apart from the ubuntu problems which may or may not have been solved.. at last look they hadn't)

    read up.. I don't bother "securing" this always on desktop machine any more than a hardware firewall run in a home made router and the usual iptables restrictions.. and a proper hosts file.

    simple answer.. unless you are running a webserver it's not worth the bother.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2009

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