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Discussion in 'Home Theater PC' started by fish1512, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. fish1512

    fish1512 Member

    Apr 19, 2009
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    G'day, just want to ask a question and hopefully get some direction about consolidating my home entertainment & pc system.

    I have a standalone DVD player plugged into the HD tv, but my dvd player has died and has got me thinking consolidating the above.

    The HD tv has a VGA socket to which i guess i can plug in the pc into the tv.

    I currently run a line-out of the soundcard into a seperate hi-fi amp and have speakers attached to this.

    So over a few beers i've come up with the folowing idea.

    As my HD tv has a VGA socket, plug the pc into the tv, use the dvd in the pc and maybe get some good 'logitech' type speakers for the soundcard, a cordless keyboard / mouse so i can still use the pc but from the comfort of the lounge! hehe

    Effectively getting rid of the hi-fi amp/speaks/standalone dvd player/pc monitor....

    Before i start pulling things apart, has anyone got any ideas or suggestions about how this would work.

  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Logitech speekers are nice, but a good hifi system is much nicer. You might want to stick with your hifi system instead of spending more money on a replacement. I am guessing that your amp has a digital co-ax or optical input port. If you do not have either of these outputs on your PC, you can get a sound card that does this for much less than a nice Logitech setup. You might also consider using a DVI to HDMI converter cable to get a digital signal to the HDTV.

    As for the keyboard & mouse, avoid Microsoft stuff. Logitech has a nice micro-keyboard that you might like; it is designed just for your application. Also, USB2.0 allows for very long cables, so you might even want to get some USB extension cables rather than worying about battery life. If you decide to go with a traditional mouse, you can get a nice, hard gaming mousepad. I use this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817114326

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