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Using MP3 files as ringtones on AT&T phones (particularly Sony Ericsson phones)

Discussion in 'Sony phones' started by SonyErics, May 11, 2009.

  1. SonyErics

    SonyErics Member

    May 11, 2009
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    In case the forum from last year was not resolved, I have some insight on the whole using MP# files as ringtones. I've had Sony Ericsson phones since I began my AT&T contract. When I found out that I NEVER had to buy ringtones for my phone, I immediately researched how to continue this FREE trend.
    It's as simple as this...my first Sony phone was the W300i (flip phone). Since it didn't have much internal memory, I didn't bother playing whole MP3 files on it and decided to aim primarily at snazzy ringtones. According to the old forum, the files cannot be more than 599KB, my rule of thumb was 512KB.
    For phones after the 300i (the newer slider models), I believe that size has decreased to less than 300KB. The same ringotnes I had on my 300i are not on my 760i and only the ones below 300MB have the option of using MP3s as ringtones. The bigger ones have the options grayed out.
    In case you REALLY want that ringtone that's just slightly too big, you can download MPTrim for free. Google it to find it and it's brother WAVTrim. They're both free with NO trial. Your MP3 file does not need to be more than about 15-20 seconds as your voicemail will kick on around that time. My ringtones started out at about 30 seconds, depending on bitrate.
    FYI, any sony phone above the 300i has a card slot for MS micro (M2) cards so the MP3's can simply be copied onto the card via a MS converter and card reader. It can also be done the old-fashioned data cable way if you have one lying around. Bluetooth also never fails, but you may need to relocate them into the ringtone folder.
    ENJOY FREE RINGTONES! Any questions, reply to this and I'll see what I can find!
  2. jc3512

    jc3512 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    And there's really nothing to get past this 300kb barrier and get the file in completely? No hacks? No codes? No nothing?

    Just curious, because I've been complaining about my Sony Ericsson w580i all day long.
  3. SonyErics

    SonyErics Member

    May 11, 2009
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    Actually, you can have entire music files on your 580i, you just won't be able to use those files as ring tones. Are you looking to use the walk man as your primary MP3 player or just for a few songs? Either way, you WILL be able to have entire songs AS WELL AS songs cut down to use as ring tones. Let me know and I'll tell you how it's done.
  4. zooom1834

    zooom1834 Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    you'll ahve to debrand it for that and once you debrand it your w580i experience will be much better

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