Hello I have a Sony Vaio Laptop Pcg-V505ecp The Bios Is Locked cause I guy I bought it off didnt tell me he had it password locked. any ideas ? Backdoor Bios Password Im goin to try this does anyone know the passwords Cmos Battery Ive went to try it but couldnt find it.
You didn't look very hard, because it is always mounted right on the only board the system has. If I were you, I would open the system up, remove the battery for about four hours, clean the dust out, and put it back together. This should clear CMOS, and also eliminate about a pound of dust from the previous owner.
i got half way threw opening up the computer to opening up the mother board and gave up thinkin i would break it
I had this problem once on a panasonic. I used a tool called 'kill cmos' and it basically resets the bios and so there is no password, no date/time etc. Ive still got it on a cd so i'll dig it out and PM you
cool buddy cheers would it work for the sony vaio I have ? i tried all the back door passwords for the phoenix bios. and none of them worked
Yeah it should work mate. It is designed for all BIOS' i believe, worst case scenario is that it just doesnt do anything so its worth a try. Unrar the file from here: www.northwestbikers.net/files/kaos/KILLCMOS.rar Put the killcmos.com file onto a CD/DVD/USB stick (any form of media really that you can read from DOS) and then boot to DOS (search on google if your not sure how to do this because i use a method that i cant always get to work) and then navigate to the file and run it, it should only take a couple of seconds and it will all be reset (asuming it works! lol) Let me know if you have any probs. Kaos