hi there it says it has a 3g module wih this netbook i have brought but i cant figure out what it is and were it is. anyone know? any help would be most appreciated thankyou!
Just did a google as my A150 ia up and running so i don't fancy turning it upside down to look. According to these two links the cover for the 3G will be easy to find ~ http://tnkgrl.wordpress.com/2008/10/28/modding-the-acer-aspire-one-hsdpa/ http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Acer-Aspire-O...le-Cover-_W0QQitemZ140322051350QQcmdZViewItem Are you sure you don't know what 3G is ?, it's a broadband module..
No problem. My Acer just has normal 'G' wireless installed, didn't realise they were bringing out 3G variants.