I have heard so many good things about Plextor, and I am thinking about getting one. But....after reading the reviews on CDRLabs.com I tend to think the Yamaha CRW-F1 might be better than the PlexWriter PX-W4824TA. I'm not looking for speed, but I am looking for the best DAE that has the least amount of errors off of a scratched cd. Here's the info: http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.php?reviewid=148&page=Performance CD DAE Avg.Speed Errors % of Disc Plextor PX-W4824TA 13.6x 226506410 31.98% Yamaha CRW-F1 5.7x 12374059 1.74% It's kinda of confusing to go by this because what would the error % of been if the Plextor Avg. Speed was 5.7x? Then again, why didn't the Plextor slow down on it's own to get a more accurate rip? I know alot of people are loyal to Plextor, but I would like to know in this situation if the Yamaha would be a better buy(not for anything else but cd ripping accurately). Opinions and advice between the two would be greatly appreciated before I make my big purchase.
Why not wait a bit for the LiteON 48/24/48? The TDK 48/24/48B is essentially a LiteON but I would like to see some test results for the LiteON first. Plextor does charge quite a premium for it's drives though.
I thought about Lite-On, but they didn't exactly get the ratings I was looking for on the reviews. Plus, they were refered to as a CD burner for more speed than quality which is the opposite of what I want. -Rasta D