hello everybody at afterdawn im having problem with my computer it seems to running really really slow and have no idea of whats causing it to run like this? so i was hoping if someone can help with this problem. thanks plz help!
Assuming this is new, I'd run some online scans and maintenance. Run Dr Web's CureIt (redownload for each use, it only update's and never install's itself) and scan for anything. Install Malware Bytes Anti Malware (MBAM), update and run a full scan, install CCleaner and run (uncheck Cookies if you want to keep log in's) (all free), run your defragmnenter and disc clean up tool's.
reformat & do a fresh install of windows any apps you install after this need to be kept to a minimum,then research on how to maintain a computer including protecting your self with security ware,also consider looking at the specs of your machine & increase amount of RAM,get a larger faster hdd better still get two & put the pagefile on the 2d hdd