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Discussion in 'CD-R' started by dbatlmu, Sep 20, 2002.

  1. dbatlmu

    dbatlmu Guest

    Yesterday I could burn CDs with no problems.
    Today I went to burn a CD ( using EasyCDCreator5 ) and although it said the cd recording was succesful, when I try to access the cd in any drive:
    1) No label comes up
    2) Error message says:-
    ?:\ is not accessible
    Illegal Function
    I've removed the cd Software and re-installed that.
    I've removed the CD-RW from Device manager and re-installed that.

    CD_RW reads and plays normal CDs and CDs I recorded earlier.

    It's beginning to look like a Hardware fault - anybody confirm or suggest where else to look ?
    I'm Running Win2K with SP3
  2. cd-rw.org

    cd-rw.org Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    Does it work with any other software?

    p.s. What kind of a topic is that?
  3. bfe

    bfe Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    I had this problem when i upgraded using W2K. It seems this os restricts burning to only the administrators. ( log on as same and see if it now works). If so then go to the nero site and under utilities there will be a download to broaden the priviledges for burning.

    (nero burnright installer)

    best regards
  4. indie665

    indie665 Guest

    i had the same exact problem when upgrading to XP. i just downloaded an ASPI from this sight and everything worked out.

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