easy prog for avi-vcd/dvd...does it exist....?

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by sunny3, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. sunny3

    sunny3 Member

    Mar 2, 2002
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    Hi ...recently d/loaded a few movies all avi/divx etc...Have read up on tmpg+vdub etc.,gave me a headache.

    Is there an easy prog where you can just drop the avi file into it and it transfers it to a vcd/dvd format (picture and sound)to burn with recordnow,primo etc...?

  2. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    tmpge can be a bit of a bitch to get ur head around for any newcomer, but it is by far the best free mpeg encoder going around, quality wise, ive heard that it even matches canopus procoder in for quality and procoder is US$500, but if your worried about ease and not quality, well just use nero, but i promise you with nero the output will look balls compared to tmpge's output, and also nero is renowned for having problems during encoding and after encoding(picture can turn out upside down sometimes).

    so it would be wise learning how to use a good encoder. if you have any problems with it well thats what this forum is for ;)

    cheers m8
  3. dikwad

    dikwad Guest

    Try Intervideo Windvd Creator.
  4. Pistol1

    Pistol1 Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    Well I have used both dvd author and tmpgenc and they both work well(trial version) but have since both expired :( oh well now i would like to know if there are any other free ware programs that are similar or a way to get around the trial version has expired. I am a very lite user and am very much in learning mode and am unsure if I want to buy software for the one or two times I will use it...any info here would be greatly appreciated
  5. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    mpeg-2 requires a licence which the company has to pay for, so any mpeg-2 encoding software is gonna cost you for a full version, some cost more than others but tmpge is one of the best and cheapest, best bang for your buck($20 for the plus version last time i checked). mpeg-1 is free with tmpge not like some other encodeing software out there where you do have pay for mpeg-1.

    hey if ur really cheap you can find a crack for tmpge out there for it anyway ;)

    also intervideo windvd creator costs US$100 which IMO is still too much for a convertor, its alot better than canopus procoder ($500) but still to much, ive also heard that intervideo has some annoying problems

    if you want to spend $100 or more on an encoder i would suggest you look into 'main concept', it apparently is the one of if not the best encoder out on the market

    anywayz theres the run down enjoy
    enjoy & goodluck
  6. sunny3

    sunny3 Member

    Mar 2, 2002
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    I've found a good prog that does this "neodvd plus" ...it's not bad...

    I'still want to try a few others.

    Does canopus and "main concept" convert the file into a "dvd" format ie into a video_ts folder ...ready to burn?
  7. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    im not sure but, i think u'd still have to author after youve encoded it to dvd format, i know with tmpge plus that after youve encoded it to dvd you still have to author it.

    anywayz good luck

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