auto GK is like the best encoding tool Its so easey. it takes like less than 1 min to setup and then u just push encode. It produces the best qiality for what u have chosen and u don't neeed to do anything. GK is alright but to much to do when AGK produces better quality that GK. WHAT IS TE BEST QUALTY ENCODING TOOL U GUYS HAVE SEEN????????
I use flask mpeg, great quality for .avi files, keeps aspect ratio, manual resolution selection, letterbox, cropping, etc. very user friendly
carguy696: Autogk does a fine job, but doesnt give the end user the level of control that the regular GK gives. Basicly you sacrifice some fine tuning ability for ease of use. That being said, when the official xvid 1.0 comes out, ill probably switch to the latest Auto Gknot and see how much better its gotten.
yeah true. But the fine tuing isn't worth it for all the troub using GK when in like too clicks u have bascially the smae qualit. ANotehr great program is DR DIVX. It is truly awesome is well. Best divx quality encoding program.