Hi, Most of my divx are burned into Cds with the same video/ sound quality reached using the HD; some ones have an annoying problem: it seems that the video and audio tracks are in different CD sections and this forces continuously the beam to change its position. The result is an abnormal noise due to the CD driver and in some cases a delay between video and sound ; the problem disappears if the sound is disabled (with virtualdub) or if the divx is red from the HD. Any suggestion?
... did you burn the video and audio in a seperate file ? meaning you don't use any container such as .avi or .mkv (matrovska). if not put it in one. this is the only thing i could think of.
The files are in the standard Xvid/divx format(.avi), downloaded via ftp an verified with gspot, virtualdub..; Maybe the burning process at the max speed has not been well done, but why the problem happens only for all the parts of specific movie and the following one is perfect ???