I was thinking of buying a X BIT mod chip and I was wondering if it is a good chip. Also what bios should I get and what dashboard.
here is what i use xecuter 2.3b lite mod chip xecuter RED 4981.67 bios(i recon this is better than 4983) Evolution x 3935 dashboard
you need to flash a chip with a hacked BIOS so you can play copied games, chips dont come pre-flashed anymore because the BIOS data is illegal. there are a few ways to flash a chip, the most common is to use a flash disc when the chip boots to the flash bit. (im not sure if X BIT uses the disc method, i would think it does, but i have never installed one myself)
the xbit doesn't come preflashed so it doesn't use the disk method you flash it use the usb cable (it is very easy to do)
I would like to know your address Andres200 because I am in the dark with this xbit chip. My email. andrew_marker@hotmai.com