By gettin rid of un-needed stuff like different languages or xbox live crap(downloader.xbe,update.xbe,etc.)
what else can be deleted?? i have 10 folders actors (196 meg) driving (294 meg) Animation (42.1 meg)Effects (112 meg) Fonts (9.6 meg)Input (26.5 kbs) Levels (841 meg) Movies (1.77 gig) Sound (403 meg) Text (8.67 meg)and a group of dat and wad files addind up to (1.39 gig) this makes a total of 4.74 gig
find out what some of the movies are , if they are demos of other games delete them to same alot of space. and 4.75 is what a normaly non dule layerd dvd can hold.
what game r u tyin to backup? only 2 that I know of (I might be wrong) tht wont go on a single disc, under ny circumstance, are metal gear solid 2, and rallisport 2