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Region free pc dvd software

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by cashiers, Oct 9, 2002.

  1. cashiers

    cashiers Member

    Oct 9, 2002
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    Hello. I saw this posted once before and tried all of the suggestions save one....

    I have a Liteon DVD-Rom LTD 163 running Windows XP. I need to make this an RPC1 drive (I'm currently stuck in Region 2 - I had no idea what was going on when I was popping in DVDs from around the globe!).

    I've tried downloading several different software solutions, including those at http://perso.club-internet.fr/farzeno/firmware/ - the only thing I have yet to do is to try and bake the firmware. I can't seem to get XP to restart in DOS. Is this an extreme solution? Is there anything tried and true out there?
  2. jnihil

    jnihil Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 23, 2001
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    You can boot into DOS via a floppy boot disk downloadable from http://www.bootdisk.com. Read the instructions for the firmware upgrade for your drive very carefully before going ahead.

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