Hello everyone.I am trying to back up my copy of american wedding dvd decypter decypts it just fine 40 files 0 read errors 6.37 gigs.But when I try to shrink it using dvd2one it completeslike 5 percent than it says logical block error please make sure all files copied correctly which in dvd decpter they did.I have tried it also with my freinds copy so its not just my copy is anyone aware of a problem with this movie I would really like to back it up b4 my kids destroy it on me.Thanks In Advance
hi jack I did that movie with dvd shrink and nero with no problems.I only use dvd decrypter when shrink wont do the job.
There may be a ripping error try again and if it fails try another ripper.If that fails try another software to burn a simple one like clone dvd will do the job.This will do all the compression work for you + burn.If this fails could be the disc is damaged and keeps missing a important file. John179